Chicago Crew Talks Business for MSNBC

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Is it possible to run a business when you are out of the office for over half of the year?  For Mike Tunney it is.  Tunney is the CEO of KeySmart, a small business based in the Chicago suburbs.


Tunney is able to run his business while only spending less than half of the year in the office.  He  uses technology to keep in contact with his staff and clientele while he travels the world. He regularly Skype’s and e-mail’s his employees to make sure everything runs smoothly.

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Doing b-roll and interviews for MSNBC’s “Your Business,” I sat down with Tunney and got an inside look at his life as a successful CEO.  KeySmart is a company that re-designed the conventional key ring for house keys, car keys, etc., in order to make it more convenient and comfortable to carry.  The key ring resembles a Swiss army knife, it is sleek, small, and organized.


We shot this feature on the HDX900 and I lit the interviews with my two Kino Diva’s. Once we finished the interviews in the morning we shot a bunch of b-roll on the 900 of the facility where the KeySmart device is manufactured and assembled. We also got some great shots of Tunney working with his colleagues in the office in Chicago.  

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When Tunney founded the company he did so with the intention of being able to travel a significant amount. He excels at communicating that most of his employees hardly notice that he is gone, despite the fact that he may be in a remote area in Cambodia or Chile!