Chicago Crew Roars with NFL Detroit Lions Star

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On November 19th I headed to Detroit to shoot a piece for the CBS show Game Changers. This particular piece was about NFL Defensive Back Glover Quin who volunteers at a shelter for children whose parents are victims of domestic violence.


The shelter, Safe House, is based in Ann Arbor about 40 miles west of Detroit. Our day began in Detroit shooting scenic shots of the skyline, the football stadium where Quin plays, and other iconic landmarks in downtown Detroit. From there I packed up my F3 and drove to Ann Arbor where we grabbed B-Roll of the Safe House and then interviewed the Safe House director and Quin.


We asked Quin what it is like being a role model to these kids as an NFL player. Having children of his own, Quin recognized the importance of helping kids who are in need of guidance and support. After the interviews we shot some B-Roll of Quin interacting with the kids and he even read them a few books. The kids loved seeing one of their Detroit Lions heroes up close and personal and did not go home empty-handed. Quin brought them all stuffed animal bears and was happy to sign them for every boy and girl in attendance.


Game Changers is all about professional athletes who go above and beyond to give back to their communities and we often cover stories like Quin’s. It is very rewarding as a camera man to get to participate in these shoots and see the joy these athletes bring to kids. As an NFL star, Glover Quin hasn’t let his fame go to his head and his participation with Safe House is inspiring and a true selfless act!



-Matt Rossetti, Director of Photography