Charleston Crew Covers Political Campaign for South Carolina Schools

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Charleston based Director of Photography, Dave Baker spent an afternoon shooting for advertising firm Rawle Murdy on the Yes 4 Schools Campaign. The aim of the campaign is to pass a sales tax in Charleston County, South Carolina. The sales tax will fund building of 17 new schools and create about 1000 jobs per year.

We interviewed both of them in Mayor Swails office, with two different lighting set-ups. Both interviews were shot to P2 on HD using the HVX-200.

Chris Fraser, Charleston county school board member, talked in the interview about the need for new schools and the fact that residents will get either a property tax or sales. His conclusion was that a sales tax is better because it shares the burden with visitors to the county.

Mayor Swails of Mount Pleasant, also was in support of the sales tax based on it’s benefit to Mt. Pleasant Schools. He is happy with the schools that have built in the last few years and believes a three school campus will elevate over crowding at other schools.

In the Mayor Swails interview you will notice a terrific painting of the East Cooper Bridge… that’s no accident!!