Category: Video Crew

Atlanta Crew Gets A Taste of Charlotte

When I got the news that I was going to be shooting a show involving food, I was super pumped.  One- I like to shoot and, two – I like food. So I popped over to Charlotte (on the way I saved a turtle in the road that was on it’s back) for a dark […]

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Los Angeles DP, Dan Lowrey gets in the fight with UFC

Los Angeles based crew, Dan Lowrey and Matt Rossetti, shot up to Sacramento to shoot Chad Mendes for his upcoming fight in the UFC. Lowrey hit the mat with Mendes to film his intense training along with a few interviews. Dan enjoyed the stylized look to the shoot using dramatic lighting and creative camera settings. […]

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The Biggest Loser Comes to Nasvhille, The Music City

Nashville Cameraman Craig  Goodale shot footage for NBC’s The Biggest Loser. Footage was taken of a contestant in and around Nashville, including at the Parthenon in Centennial Park. The footage was captured on a Sony PDW-F800 / XDCam.

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Charlotte crew shoots with US Open champ, Webb Simpson.

Joel Hinrichs and I recently teamed up here at the Charlotte Country Club for shoot with Webb Simpson. We only had Webb for about 2 hours so day one was spent blocking out all of our shots and camera moves ahead of time.  We showed up early the next morning and It was a hot and humid […]

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Atlanta and Charlotte Crew Team Up and Hit Gold

Ryan and I have been teaming up pretty frequently these days to do some 2 camera shoots.  This time we cover a segment in Charlotte with actor, Chris Atkins.  We set up a 2 camera shoot in the house he was staying in.  We used minimal lighting and went for a more natural look as […]

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Los Angeles DP, Lowrey pulls an all nighter with ABC

Los Angeles crew, Dan Lowrey, grabbed his car keys and drove up to San Francisco to cover the horrific plane crash for ABC. Coffee and live shots took over his night going live to different affiliates all over the United States. Even a few shots made it live to China! After a long night of […]

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Charlotte Crew Shoots Gray Area Feature for Speed.

Lets face it, there’s nothing “stock” about NASCAR these days. With the whole list of new construction specifications and rules, crew chiefs are pretty limited when it comes to enhancing their cars. With the recent events surrounding NASCAR, I teamed up with SPEED Channel here in Charlotte to help produce a series of interview segments for an upcoming story on […]

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Atlanta Crew Visits Charlotte for a CBS Shoot

It’s always cool to go on set of a TV show and see how they do things.  This time, I was on the set of “Under the Dome,” on CBS doing some 2 camera interviews with Ryan Dumville and Joel Hinrichs.  The show is based on a book by Stephan King, so there’s your hint […]

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GTT’s Los Angeles DP Gets Down and Dirty with the NFL

With the NFL season right around the corner, GTT crew Dan Lowrey and apprentice Matt Rossetti hit the trails with some of the biggest NFL stars to document their training. Eagles linebacker, Casey Matthews, was highlighted in the story for the NFL Network. Casey strapped on a GoPro while Dan and Matt kept up with […]

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New York Crew Hangs with Bad Milo

I am a huge fan of the TV shows Burning Love and Party Down and the movie Wet Hot American so when I found out I was heading down to Wilmington to do an interview with actor Ken Marino I was pumped. The client, AXS TV, was producing an EPK package for a movie Ken […]

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