Category: Video Crew

Chicago Crew Hurdles with Illinois Athletes

          Another Miro shoot.  Yes!  I turned the GTT truck south and headed for Chambana (Champaign-Urbana), where sits a quaint university, Illinois University.  It was time for another installment of the Big Ten Experience.  Track and Field was the subject and the Phantom Miro was the medium.  A perfect combination.  I slowed […]

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GTT New York: The Revolution WILL Be Televised

I recently had the chance to shoot the NYC end of an episode of Unsung profiling music legend Gil Scott Heron. Gil is famous for many of his songs but one of his greatest is “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised”. In addition to music, Gil was heavily involved in the Civil Right moment and […]

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GTT New York Crew Covers Seaside Park Fire

I had literally just pulled into my parking spot after wrapping a shoot when my phone rings and NBC is telling me they need me to get down to Seaside Park asap. Seaside Park, NJ is one of the communities on the Jersey Shore that was hit hard by Hurricane Sandy and the community was […]

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Atlanta and Raleigh Crews Hang with the SEC

So for the past couple of shoots, Jimmy and I have been hitting the road hard with Intersport shooting interviews, b-roll and super slow-mo of a few of the SEC schools.  I was super super excited for this because I got to work on a Sony FS700 shooting in slow motion!  I had never used […]

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Dallas Crew Goes “On Strike” With Moms

Yeah, you read that right but it’s not what you think.  That just seemed like a catchy title for this blog.  I recently shot a feature for the Steve Harvey Show.  It’s about over worked moms who have husbands or children who don’t think being a mom is a full time job.  Well, being a […]

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GTT Atlanta Crew: Recipe for Coca Cola is a Recipe for TV

I got called out on a last minute gig in Ringgold, GA for Inside Edition covering a story about a couple who may have a recipe for Coca Cola.  The couple discovered this in some old paperwork they acquired while antiquing.  It is supposedly from the WWII era and written by someone who worked inside […]

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Dallas Crew Shoots Feature on The Duck Dynasty for Fox & Friends

I headed out to West Monroe, Louisiana for a Fox & Friends shoot.  West Monroe is of course the home to the Duck Dynasty folks.  Brian Kilmeade, Steve Doocy and Elisabeth Hasselbeck of Fox & Friends spent two days with the Robertson Family. I was shooting on the HDX-900, recording to the Nano Flash.  Fox […]

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Atlanta Crew shoots for “Aussies Abroad”

I’ve spent a long time developing an Australian accent over the years, and was finally able to try it out with real Australians while shooting with Aussies Abroad – a program developed to promote Australian athletes in the United States.  Mark Phillips and myself, adventured up to the Gwinnett Braves stadium, where two Aussies played […]

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NY Crew shoots with Man’s Best Friend for Rachael Ray

I recently helped the Rachael Ray show tell the story of Dan Waskiewicz and his dog, Bo. Dan is a police officer in Baltimore and was responding to a loose dog call when he met Bo. Bo was a stray dog and Dan managed to get him in his police cruiser. They were on the […]

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Dallas Crew Shoots for MSNBC’s “Your Business”

Dallas is apparently home to a pretty cool business.  How cool?  Well, it’s a business that houses rooms filled with objects that you pay to smash to bits and pieces.  They supply you with safety goggles, a jump suit, a helmet, and a weapon.  Once you’re in the room you can let out all your […]

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