Category: Video Crew

U2 Promoter Meets Frontman Bahnz from Selby

Shooting in High Def on the Panasonic VariCam and the HD POV Lipstick Camera, Orlando DP/Partner, Dan Beckmann spent the day with a musical icon, and one of the most sought after musical talents in the southeast – Tony Michaelides and Bahnz Selby. For the past thirty years, Tony has worked as a promotions executive […]

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Nashville Crew Rumbled in with Football Fans

When you combined video games, football, and twins it’s hard not to get excited, lucky for me my latest shoot was all that and more.  I was at a Buffalo Wild Wings in Nashville shooting for some Thursday night football.  The Titans were taking on the Colts so you know it was going to be […]

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Power Gen Powers into Orlando Florida

POWER-GEN International, the industry leader in providing comprehensive coverage of trends, technologies and issues facing the generation sector, made its way to Orlando, Florida – and Go To Team was there for a front-row seat! Capturing interviews and b-roll with the HVX 200, Orlando DP/Partner Dan Beckmann, and audio operator Mike Rothwell played around with […]

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Orlando DP Takes Part in Feature Length Documentary

Shooting on the F900 at The Villages just north of Orlando, Florida, Orlando DP/Partner Dan Beckmann helped capture elements for a new feature length film, The Incredible Power of Chance Events. Looking deeper into the meaning of karma and destiny, Producer Lee Schneider has been traveling the country, gathering stories on coincidences, random meetings, and […]

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Over 950 Shoot Days of Ridiculously Cool TV in 2010

We could not been happier with the shoots in 2010. Between our 6 offices and 7 crews we shot over 950 shoots days! So, we’re changing our slogan to “We make A LOT of Cool TV”.   Every Go To Team Director of Photography travels with a full gear package, including high definition cameras, light kit, […]

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Half A Taxi Cab, A Green Screen, And A Very Funny Guy On Fox Sports

Video Clip Throughout this 2010 NFL season, Go To Team’s Skip Clark,  now based in Los Angeles, has been busy working with Fox Sports shooting features and artwork for the Sunday NFL Pre-Game show.  And that means he’s been laughing most of the time with the show’s comedian analyst Frank Caliendo. Every week Skip and […]

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Happy Holidays… Thank You for A Terrific Year of Shoots

We take this week to say Thank You to our clients and friends that made 2010 so much fun. Go To Team wishes everyone a Happy Holidays. With crews spread across the US in Atlanta, Charlotte, Charleston, Los Angeles, Nashville, Orlando, and  Raleigh; We don’t get to have the traditional office Christmas party. Instead we […]

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Thanksgiving in the Middle East with Atlanta Director of Photography Tom Wells

Atlanta based Director of Photography Tom Wells spent Thanksgiving this year in the Middle East with Fox Sports. The purpose of the trip was multifaceted and included a live broadcast with U.S. troops from an undisclosed location in Southwest Asia on Thanksgiving Day, as well as shooting several taped segments for airing throughout the next […]

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Frank Picks Go To Team on the Canon 7D for Fox Sports

Video Clip When Fox Sports called Go To Team’s Skip Clark to shoot this year’s ‘Frank’s Picks’ segment for the NFL Pre-Game Show, they were also asking for the Canon 7D.  Last year Fox used Skip’s Panasonic Varicam, and while the Varicam is still used for certain shoots, the 7D has brought that film look […]

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3 Crews cover Elizabeth Edwards Funeral in Raleigh, North Carolina

Unfortunately it seems like we all know someone who has been affected by Cancer.  Mrs. Edwards story strikes the hearts of many, her story and her cause is relevant to us all. We try every day to do our job with respect and dignity to represent our clients, story subjects and our company with the […]

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