Category: Video Crew

The World Series for Fox Sports… Does it get any better?

Go To Team’s Clark crew, based in Los Angeles, CA, finished up their third year covering the World Series for Fox Sports early in November.  This year’s Major League Baseball World Series started in San Francisco, the National League finally won home field advantage this year in the All-Star game, and then moved to Texas. […]

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Saddle Up, for a shoot that makes a difference in Children’s Lives

Go To Team strives to become a part of every community they’re based in.  With Nashville being our newest market we thought donating a full day of shooting to ten local charity organizations would be a great way to give back.  Our first charity shoot was with Saddle Up.  Saddle Up is an organization that […]

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LA Director of Photography shooting Scenics in Philadelphia and San Francisco

It’s the second year for Go To Team’s Clark crew to be on the road for Fox Sports’ League Series Championship coverage.  Last year Skip Clark (now based in Los Angeles) and Dan Lowrey (based in Orlando, FL) followed the Yankees and Angels through the American League Series Championship. But this year it would be […]

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Nashville Crew hits “The Vinny” with The Golf Channel

Country musician, Vince Gill hosted the annual Vince Gill Pro-Celebrity Invitational at the Golf Club of Tennessee.  Naturally with the event being held in Nashville’s backyard I headed out there to cover the event for The Golf Channel.  I was working with on-camera talent, Charlie Rymer.  I was shooting on the Sony F-800 Xdcam camera.  […]

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Seven Years Makes It a Tradition… The Hanger Shoot in Daytona for NASCAR on FOX.

Every year for the past seven years Los Angeles based Skip Clark has spent the first two weeks of February in Daytona for the Fox Sports broadcast of the Daytona 500.  And those two weeks start with the “hangar shoot” where all hands are on deck for one of the biggest shoots Fox puts together […]

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Charleston Crew “Goin’ to Jackson”…Fort Jackson, that is

Charleston Based GTT Director of Photography Dave Baker recently went up to Columbia, SC’s Fort Jackson.  The mission?  To grab footage of the base for a story soon to air on ABC’s “Nightline”.  Before sunrise, Dave was out at the gate with a Panasonic HVX200, and like the army, he had done more by lunchtime […]

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‘Cubed’ Goes On The Road – To Dallas, Texas for the SuperBowl!

Since nearly all of Fox Sports was in Dallas for the Super Bowl back in February, it only made sense that the crew from Fox Sports Dot Com made their way out as well.  The show ‘Cubed’ that airs in Dot Com’s ‘Lunch With Benefits’ branch came out for a special appearance. Everyone was there: […]

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Nashville Crew Gets Caught Up in the NBA Playoffs

With the Grizzlies making it into the NBA playoffs I headed out to Memphis.  I was shooting for Turner Sports on the Sony F-900.  The first two days were spent working with TNT talent, Mark Fein, as we shot interviews and scrum sound with players from the Grizzlies and Spurs during practice. On the third […]

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Charleston Video Crew sits down with Tim Pawlenty for GMA

  Go To Team’s Charleston based Director of Photography, Dave Baker, had a chance to sit down with Republican Presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty the morning following the GOP debate in Greenville, SC. 5am and the crew began converting an empty hotel meeting room into the backdrop for a Good Morning America live shot.  The Arri […]

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Charlotte Camera Crew Gets “Loud” Inside Cameron Indoor Stadium for ESPN

It is tough being a Tar Heel fan this basketball season, especially when Duke is poised to kill it this year. So while no one is talking about UNC, Duke is getting a lot of coverage. Recently, Charlotte, NC based HD cameraman Nick Modisett spent a day inside Duke’s Cameron Indoor Stadium with three of […]

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