Category: Video Crew

Nashville Crew Covers John Edwards Indictment with Fox News

  With the John Edwards indictment looming, I headed to Raleigh, NC to do live shots with Fox News correspondent, John Roberts.  I was shooting with the HDX-900.  By the time I was all set up outside the district courthouse, rumors were flying that the indictment was actually happening in Winston-Salem!  We knocked off a […]

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LA’s Clark Crew Wraps Its EIGHTH Year on NASCAR!

Go To Team’s Skip Clark has wrapped up his eighth year on the NASCAR circuit for Fox Sports.  Every year brings something different, and in that way, 2011 was just the same.  There was a new schedule with a new stop for Fox – Kansas – and there was new gear – Go To Team’s new Sony […]

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Go To Team Orlando Is Front Row For Casey Anthony

Barely a decade into the new millennia, the Casey Anthony saga has already been called the Trial of the Century.  Touted as the biggest “social media” judicial proceeding ever, the story lived up to the hype. TV Networks from around the world descended upon Orlando, Florida, covering every inch of the trial.  As is normally the […]

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Nashville Crew Kicks It Up with Heat Seekers in Charleston, SC

I traveled down to Charleston, SC recently.  It was there that I worked on a new show called “Heat Seekers.”  Heat Seekers is being produced by High Noon for the Food Network.  Heat Seekers is all about finding dishes with a kick to it!  For three days we shot in various restaurants around the Charleston […]

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Orlando DP Captures Disney Cruise Lines “Wonder” In Alaska

For 10 days Orlando DP/Partner, Dan Beckmann helped Disney Cruise Lines capture amazing new adventures aboard the Disney Wonder. The newest voyage of the Wonder?  Alaska! With the versatile Panasonic HDX 900, Beckmann was able to shoot in 24p at 720, and 60 frames at 1080i – capturing elements with various looks for marketing, advertising, and […]

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Tragedy In Joplin

Even after traveling to cover sports for the last seven years, Go To Team’s Skip Clark still finds himself on a news story every once in a while.  When tornadoes devastated the small town of Joplin, MO, in May the country reached out to help out, including NASCAR’s Jamie McMurray. McMurray was born and raised […]

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Nashville Crew Shoots Interview with Edsel Ford for SPEED

I’m a car guy, plain and simple.  So when I was told I would be shooting an interview with Edsel Ford for SPEED I was pretty excited. We shot the interview in the legendary racing garage of Holman Moody in Charlotte, North Carolina.  I was able to set up the interview with a super cool background in […]

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Go To Team Wraps Roger Federer Shoot in Switzerland

Go To Team DP/Partner Dan Beckmann and Raleigh Cameraman, Jimmy Hall are heading to Milan, Italy. The crew spent the week in Zurich and Luzern, Switzerland, working with Tennis great, Roger Federer.  Using a three-foot Slider, 3 HDX 900 Panasonic cameras, and a Canon 5D, the crew captured beautiful images in one of the most […]

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Behind the Scenes for new Warner Brothers movie in Wilmington, NC

  When Warner Bros. needed a crew to shoot the EPK and DVD Special Features for the new installment of the popular Cinderella Story, ‘A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song’ the third film in the ‘Cinderella Story’ franchise they called Go To Team’s Raleigh based cameraman Jimmy Hall.   Jimmy spent three weeks in […]

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Go To Team Heads To Europe With Roger Federer

Orlando DP/Partner Dan Beckmann, and Raleigh cameraman, Jimmy Hall are heading the Zurich, Switzerland for a shoot with Roger Federer – arguably, the greatest tennis player ever! Audio operator, Carl Mullins, will be joining Dan and Jimmy.  All three are currently enroute to Newark, New Jersey, where they’ll fly direct to Zurich.  Once there, they’ll […]

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