Category: Video Crew

Dallas Crew Spends Super Bowl Week in NOLA for the NFL Network

A couple of years ago I was lucky enough to work for Fox Sports during the Super Bowl in Dallas.  It was nothing short of an unreal experience.  Fast-forward to 2013 and I find my self on the road to New Orleans to shoot for the NFL Network.  Armed with a Varicam, HDX-900, and Sony […]

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Where in the world is Dan Lowrey? Catch him if you can!

Los Angeles based crew Dan Lowrey started off 2013 with a big bang! He started off the year in South Africa for some fun in the sun. Right after his trip around the world he jumped right into Winter X Games in Aspen, Colorado. Dan spent his time filming all the exciting events along with some […]

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Dallas Crew Shoots for “Countdown to UFC”

It doesn’t get much cooler than shooting for the UFC.  With a fight coming up, we spent the day with UFC fighter, Johny Hendricks.  Armed with an HDX-900 and a MYT Slider, I got cookin’. We spent the day at a fitness center that is also the home of a traditional UFC octagon-fighting ring.  I […]

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GTT Chicago Crew goes back to school

Sports, academia, and beautiful college campuses.  Those three things encompassed the better part of three months for me.  I had the amazing opportunity to travel to all the Big Ten schools and shoot the show “Live Big” on Big Ten Network.  For each school we shot a total of 2 stories highlighting special academic projects […]

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Nashville Crew Shoots For MSNBC’s “Your Business”

One aspect of my job that I love is that I tend to work with the same people over time.  Recently in Memphis, TN I got to work with a MSNBC producer that I hadn’t worked with in over two years.  In fact the last time I worked with him I was a wee-little apprentice […]

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Charlotte crew shoots Demo DVD with Trijicon optics.

I traveled to Fayetteville last week for a really sweet gig with the U.S. Army and Trijicon. Trijicon produces optics like the ACOG (advanced combat optical gunsight) that are standard issue with many governments worldwide but specifically used by the U.S. Marines, Army and Navy Seals. Our mission was to shoot a series of overview videos for a […]

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Dallas Crew Shoots Promos for the David Feherty Show

The Golf Channel is gearing up for a new season of the Feherty Show.  With Dallas being the place David Feherty calls home this was the natural location to shoot some promos.  The Golf Channel rented a house in a Dallas suburb.  It was hear that we altered a large den into a psychiatric office.  […]

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Nashville Crew Teams Up With PGA.Com To Cover The Ryder Cup

Chicago hosted this year’s Ryder Cup.  I headed north, armed with a HDX 900 and Nano Flash.  I love working in Chicago.  Oh hey, by the way, did you know we have a Chicago cameraman now?  Well, now you know.  He was there too working for Mercedes.  Focus, Roggg, focus. I was there for three […]

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Charlotte Crew serves up some justice with Gaston County PD.

I recently teamed up with Gaston County Sheriffs department for a day of interviews and Broll. Our goal was to produce a series of videos to be displayed at their national Police conference in San Diego. We were shooting on the Panasonic. We started the day off shooting interviews in which we  gathered various statistics that […]

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Dallas Crew Spends the Day with Danica Patrick

After spending the month in Texas shooting a pilot for a popular lifestyle network it was time to head home.  However, G4 needed a crew to follow Danica Patrick around as she sported a special Sonic the Hedgehog paint scheme for her race at Texas Motor Speedway.  So let me get this straight.  I get […]

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