Charleston Crew Pregames Hurricane Irene with the Weather Channel

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Shooting Weather Channel on Hurricane Irene
Shooting Weather Channel on Hurricane Irene

Charleston’s Go To Team DP Dave Baker and crew recently traveled up to the North Carolina Coast in search of early warning signs from Hurricane Irene with the Weather Channel’s Eric Fisher. Despite the beautiful sunny weather and moderate comfortable temperatures, The Panasonic HDX900 and the (in this case unnecessarily waterproof) Bron Kobolds performed marvelously, enjoying the calm breeze and dry air that belied the incoming hurricane.

Not surprisingly, most people on the beach were not concerned with the impending storm. They never are until it is too late to get out. In the mean time it sure was nice to have a chance to enjoy it before the wind and rains came! In total we had 5 crews on the storm so, more to come on the storm coverage with later blogs.