Go To Team Houston Crew | The Rossen Report – Coronavirus

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It’s time to finally address what’s on everyone’s mind: the Coronavirus.

It seems like everyone has an opinion on how serious it is and how to prevent the spread of it. With travel bans being enforced in between countries, every major sporting association halting their season until the virus is more contained and social distancing becoming relevant across the globe, it was time for a more effective method of stopping the spreading from occurring.

Go To Team Houston Crew | The Rossen Report - Coronavirus

The Rossen Report brought in our Houston cameraman, Kirby Clarke, to capture an episode that features a new method for stopping the virus in its tracks: highly calibrated infrared cameras. From Carnival Cruises to Ford Motors, major American companies are beginning to buy them up in large quantities. Kirby used a Sony Fs7 with a Fujinon 18-55mm lens to capture Jeff Rossen meeting with Gary Strahan, CEO of Infrared Cameras. He lit the shot with one Astra light panel.

Go To Team Houston Crew | The Rossen Report - Coronavirus

Go To Team Houston Crew | The Rossen Report - Coronavirus

The high-tech cameras contain ultra-sensitive sensors that are available as either a portable device or fixed cameras that attach to metal detectors. The cameras take a person’s temperature to determine in real-time if they have a fever. The devices are taking over the globe and are already being used in airports across the world, including China and Mexico. Carnival is using the cameras to test passengers and crew members boarding it’s ships. Ford bought the devices to test and protect employees at their various plants across the world.

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While these devices aren’t yet approved for airports, companies that manufacture the devices are working closely with the U.S. government to speed up the process in hopes of getting on the front lines of protecting the public from COVID-19.

Go To Team Houston Crew | The Rossen Report - Coronavirus

Thank you to Rossen Report for bringing in our video camera crews to help capture this episode. As always, we look forward to working with you again in the future!