Charleston’s Dave Baker Teams up with Atlantic Records for artist NeedtoBreathe’s “Hurricane” Music Video

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Charleston based Needtobreathe with GTT's Dave Baker

Go To Team’s Charleston, SC based Dave Baker teamed up once again with Atlantic Record’s NeedtoBreathe to shoot another music video. Dave and his crew arrived on the set armed with a Panasonic HVX200 blinged out with a P+S Technik mini 35 prime lens adapter, an array of Carl Zeiss Prime lenses, a doorway Dolly, a 19 inch Flatscreen Panasonic HD Monitor, and a literal truckload of Arri light fixtures.

The Day was long but extremely rewarding. Dave spent the majority of the day being shuttled back and forth on the dolly and was reluctant to give up his “Taxi” when wrap time came. Dave Baker and the rest of Go To Team are “Primed” and ready for whatever cool TV awaits.

Check out the video here.