Behind The Scenes of “The Strangers”

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When New Wave Media needed a crew to shoot the EPK and DVD Special Features for the thriller “The Strangers” starring Liv Tyler and Scott Speedman they turned to Go To Team. Charleston based Director of Photography Tom Wells spent 17 days and nights on set, capturing behind the scenes footage and interviews with cast members and crew. The segments were shot in HD on the Sony CineAlta F900 and Sony V1U and included time lapses, a look into the makeup and special effects, and even a car crash scene. “New Wave gave us a lot of creative control in how we lit the interviews,” said Tom. “We decided to go with a film noir kind of look, using only key lighting for our subjects to keep with the dark and creepy feel of the movie. The client was thrilled with the look and with how the segments came together. Click here to view excerpts. Click here to buy the Blu-Ray DVD and watch the entire Behind The Scenes of The Strangers.
